Prepared by Bassam Mechammil

May 2008


Migraine Frequency Linked With Women's Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease


ScienceDaily (Apr. 21, 2008) — New research shows women who have weekly migraine are significantly more likely to have a stroke than those with fewer migraines or no migraine at all, but those with lower migraine frequency may face increased risk of heart attacks.


The Women's Health Study involved 27,798 women health professionals in the United States who were 45 and older. The women did not have cerebrovascular disease at the beginning of the study and were followed for an average of 12 years. During that time, 706 cerebrovascular events, 305 heart attacks, and 310 ischemic strokes occurred.

Of the 3,568 women with migraine at the start of the study, 65 percent reported migraine less than once a month, 30 percent reported one migraine a month and five percent reported at least weekly migraine. Compared to women without migraine, the study found women who had at least weekly migraines were three times more likely to have a stroke, but those with a migraine frequency of less than monthly were one-and-halftimes more likely to have a heart attack.

"Our findings suggest that migraine frequency may be an indicator for increased risk of cardiovascular disease, particularly ischemic stroke," said study author Tobias Kurth, MD, ScD, with Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, and member of the American Academy of Neurology. "Future studies are needed to address whether migraine prevention reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease."

Overall, the study found a mixed association between migraine and major cerebrovascular disease suggesting increased risk for women with high and low migraine frequency. "Our results may indicate that the mechanisms by which migraine associates with specific cardiovascular events may differ," said Kurth. "More research is needed to determine the reasons for these results."

Kurth says while migraine has previously been found to increase risk of vascular problems, before now there was little science on the association between migraine frequency and cardiovascular disease.

This research was presented at the American Academy of Neurology 60th Anniversary Annual Meeting in Chicago, April 17, 2008.


Adapted from materials provided by American Academy of Neurology.






MINOR LEG INJURIES increase blood clot risk. Injuries that are not serious enough to be treated by a doctor, such as ankle sprains and pulled muscles, are responsible for about 8% of all thromboses- serious clots that form inside the veins of the legs. The risk for developing a clot from a minor injury is low but be aware of the potential danger. If you have a minor leg injury and pain and swelling increase over time or if you experience pain or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.



The worst months to be in the hospital are July and August. The reason is because new doctors, fresh out of medical school, begin their residencies on July 1st. And to make matters worse, many of the senior doctors are on vacation during this time. Wait until the fall to have any medical tests or nonemergency surgery. By then, the most experienced doctors will be back… and the residents will have had a chance to adapt to their new duties.



  1. when a child has a high fever, chop up the onions, put them on the childs feet and then cover with socks. Kinda smelly, but it works.
  2. when sinus pain wont go away, try a teaspoon of regular table saltin 6 ounces of warm water. Breathe it in through your nostrils. The salt dissolves any mucous buildup.
  3. when your nose is really stuffed, try dropping a glob of vapor rub into a hot shower just before you get into it. The rub melts and turns to steam and opens up that nose.
  4. hiccups help: try a spoonful of vinegar or lemon juice or simply swallow about half of a teaspoon of sugar.

The Deadliest Flu Ever


Just some of the flu's victims, laid low in 1918

In 1918 and 1919, more than a fifth of the world's population caught the flu. And not just any flu--the deadliest flu ever, which caused one of the worst pandemics in history. Before it was over, between 1 and 3 percent of the world's people had perished. That's at least 20 million people worldwide.

The illness was so fast and so deadly that doctors couldn't believe it was influenza. It wasn't like any flu they had ever seen before. A patient who started to feel under the weather on Monday was often dead by Wednesday. Many patients turned a blue-gray hue, as fluid built up in their lungs. "It is only a matter of a few hours then until death comes, and it is simply a struggle for air until they suffocate," reported a doctor at a military base near Boston. "It is horrible."


Cloning 101


Since 1996, when pioneering Scots cloned Dolly the sheep from an adult sheep cell, scientists have cloned mice, cows, goats, pigs, rabbits, cats, rats, deer, mules, horses, and dogs. Yet despite all the success, cloning remains really, really hard to do.